Friday, January 28, 2011

The New LeBaron!

At 2:01 PM on Wednesday, January 26th the new generations of Lebarons was healthy brought into this world. Our love goes out to Steph, Chuck, the new aunts and uncles, grandparents and great grandparents.

Great Grandma and Colton Alexander Meyers.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Andrew with his new hair cut holding Justin Bieber trading cards... my goodnessgood luck to everyone who is going back to school tomorrow :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hey Cousins :)

Happy new year! hope everyone had a fun time celebrating. we arrived safely on wednesday night. we had trouble getting chains on our tires but we didnt end up needing them so it was an easy drive. our family was talking about our favorite parts of the trip and each of us said it was getting to spend time with you guys. i feel like the most blessed person in the world. just an update, molly got her wisdom teeth out on thursday, in the next few days andrew is going to get a buzz cut so no more curls :( and i will post pictures of that soon and molly and i got vip ke$ha tickets for christmas! and i put some pictures from the trip in a facebook album called "LeBaron Cousins". Miss you so much!

ps. for all of you who missed the cutting of vince's hair, i am trying to post the video but it isnt working but hopfully it will soon


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Im headed for Botswana!

So I am leaving in a few hours. 15 hours to Dubai, then 8 hours of layover til I fly to south africa at 4:40 local time, then a quick flight to Gaborone in Botswana.
I wont have internet access for maybe the first month, but after you can follow me at also chess is in africa right now and you can follow her at

Hope everything is awesome, love you guys.

My address:
c/o Pitzer College in Botswana
Box 1482
Gaborone, Botswana

Monday, July 26, 2010

Life in Washington

Here is a Morrisey update:

From Andrew: On my swim team i won "most obnoxious announcer award" and "most improved" and went to "A champs" and got 9th and i miss you.

Sean also went to "A champs"(which is for the best swimmers out of all 24 teams in the league) and got 9th and 10th. He also went on a mission trip for the first time and loved it. And now he is in Oregon with his best friend.

Molly has been working at Nordstrom a lot and getting ready for next year, she already went to Seattle U orientation. She and i also bought some really cool, kinda matching, personalized Toms shoes.
Mom and Dad are good and they celebrated their 22nd anniversary a few weeks ago.

I was a leader on the mission trip Sean went on which was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I have also been teaching swim lessons a lot which I love. Just last week I found out that I will be transfering from Eastside to a public high school and that has been pretty stressful and I am worried. i just met with my dr. and i found out that i can't play school volleyball this fall but maybe club...
Just to let everyone know, my dad's side will be going to arnold in a week! we will be the 2nd-7th and if anyone can, please come and stop by! we will probably be staying at the cabin my uncle is renting so the lebaron cabin will be open!

Love you all! here are a few pictures